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3 tips to style Low Rise Jeans

3 tips to style Low Rise Jeans

We all have seen the latest trending circling the internet from Pinterest boards, to Instagram & all of your TikTok’s feed.. the famous the low rise jeans!

This used to be the biggest trend in the early 2000’s and has made a huge come back in the last year.

I’m going to be running you all through my 3 tips for a perfect low rise!

Tip #1 - Keep it simple

I am a huge fan of the phrase “keep is simple” you can never go wrong with a simple pair of blue low-rise jeans to pair it with a simple tank top and a pair of sneakers to sandals, it's a perfect every day go to outfit which will make you look like you’re put together but when really it only took you less than 2 minutes to create this look.

I personally would add some gold chunky jewellery and do a slick hair style to elevate the look but still making you look effortlessly chic. Adding a simple oversized biker jacket for the colder days looks amazing as well.

A great example of keeping it simple is Jaquie Alexander she is the queen for a low-rise jean and simple tan.

Tip #2 - How low can you go?

Does anyone else worry about how low is too low? Well i am here to guide you through to finding the perfect length for a low rise.

Typically for a low rise it is just below the hip bone if you’re wanting a baggy look then definitely go a size up.. or a tighter low rise fit then just go for your usual size. The rule of thumb is to buy one size bigger than your skinny jeans (if you’re like me and don’t wear skinny jeans then i would definitely go for a mom jean just size up) there is no right or wrong way to wear a low-rise jean if you feel confident enough to wear them bellow the hip bone then go for it, if you’re just starting out wearing low rise then do what you feel comfortable doing!

Tip #3 - What style to buy?

Low to Medium Rise jeans: The style before the low rise, the medium low rise is meant to sit above your hips to make the hips look snatched and hugging your bum to make it pop

Low Rise: The basic low-rise jeans, sitting bellow your hips to show off your stomach

Ultra-Low Rise: This style typically sits about an inch below the hip bones, great for girls that are shorter it makes their body look much longer

Low Rise Boot Cut: Perfect to pair with a pair of heels and make your whole body look longer

Low Rise Baggy Fit: My personal favourite, the low rise but a baggy fit is the comfiest and most practical way to wear a low-rise pair of jeans as you still have enough room to comfortably move around, they suit almost every style of shoes and top as well.

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